Monday, December 7, 2009

Magazine attempt 2

This is my final project....I like it a lot better! I did an actual article instead of the contents page and cover page with article. I changed my article as well and tried to make this one like an actual magazine! I think it turned out well.

1st draft for magazine

So this is my first attempt...I dont like it that much, but i do like the idea of it. I did a redo, so it is a lot better than this one. It will be my next post.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

okay this was supposed to be posted first cause it was the "almost ready" book cover. I do like this one, especially because of the title font, but i guess its cause i'm a girl and that is the kind of font i would like...haha. the final font is a lot stronger and better for the cover, so i agree that it needed to be changed, no matter how sad i was to do it.

Book Cover Final

I really love how my book cover turned out! I feel so proud of it and liked showing it off in class...yeah i'm that happy about it!!! I definitely put a lot of hard work into this project and i really think it shows. There were a lot of last minute changes and late night printouts and assembly but it worked out for the best. Its still not perfect, as with all projects there is still room to push it to its full potential. I'm going to fix a few things and put the final final project up, so hopefully there will be a definite change.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Here are two of the three bookcovers I made to pick from. The third one was the one i picked, and forgot to load it how it was before i fixed it up and saved it. So i will post that one later. I really liked working with photoshop! it was a lot of fun! These two covers that will be on here i thought were pretty cool. They started out a lot different than i thought they would but turned up alright for the amount of time that i spent on them. I liked the gray one with smoke probably the most out of the two. It had a lot of potential i thought, but not too much contrast which did make it pretty weak. The black and white one with semi-color was a pretty cool one to do. I think I liked workin on it more than having it actually finished.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

idea pics for bookcover

I know, there are tons of photos! but all good projects start out with a million ideas! I am going to be putting more photo's up....different ideas this time. Anyone have oppinions on these photos so far? I would love input!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


so here is my final pictogram project. As i said before, i'm not extremely happy with how it turned out, but i'm going to fix it up so that i can push it to its fullest potential. look forward to seeing end result number 2.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


So the Pictogram assignment was super hard for me. I feel like I tried to show too much. I thought that if I showed less in my pictograms it wouldn't say what i wanted it too. Maybe that is a little hint for what i was trying to accomplish. I tried to also upload them onto this post, but I cant figure it out. So once i do, they will be up here. I will also post another one with the refined pictograms since i did not quite like the current ones or think they were up to their full potential.
until next time.....keep wondering....

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Here are some of my thumbnails for my pictograms. They are just sketches...but enjoy their humor!!